A Creative Portal
SGDesigns is an online portal and showcase for the Creative Work done by Swaroop Guhathakurta, the founder of SGDesigns, Samana Records and goes by the alias Sanathana and Sanhata as a Music Producer, Arranger, Live Improvisationist and Performer. Swaroop Guhathakurta on Facebook
Biography in a Nutshell
Please Visit the Wordpress Site for details here - Biography
Music & Sound-Art
Sanathana and Sanhata - are two Unique projects with a different feel to both, musically and technically.
Predominantly focusing on Music created for Active Meditation through Movement / Dance. The process of producing music is kept simple and focuses on the Human Element of actively playing and Improvising with instruments, synthesizers and other tools to create sound.
This is a more Experimental and freestyle project where all musical and sound-art experiments are conducted through personal research and implementation in the field of Music, Sound, Frequency and Vibration. The process of producing music is once again kept simple and focuses on the Human Element of actively playing and Improvising with instruments, synthesizers and other tools to create sound.
For more information and to get the latest updates on releases, work-in-progress, gigs & gatherings, please visit the facebook page link here: Official Facebook Page
Musical Inspiration & Influences
Mother Nature, Living Organisms, The Cosmos, Energy and Vibration. In terms of Sub Conscious influences through sound, Swaroop is a fond listener of Music of all genres or styles. His personal favourite genres are: Jazz, Blues, Ambient, Psychedelic Music as a bigger umbrella and minor genres under this umbrella that includes: Rock, Trance, Dub and Ambient.
Freelance Services Provided
Digital Art & Design
SGDesigns covers a variety of areas under the broad umbrella of Graphic Design and Art. Services within this category include - Corporate Makeovers, Profiling, Marketing and Advertising Material such as Flyers, Brochures, Manuals, Magazine Layouts, Logos, Packaging Design, Uniform Design, Branding and general design consulting services. To get an Idea on the extent of skills aquired so far, please visit the gallery here: Portfolio of Skill-set and Design
Photography is not just a passion but is also an open ground for experimentation for us in a creative sense and most of our work includes out-of-the-box approach in capturing the moment. We cover areas of photography serives within these specific areas: corporate events, weddings and special occasions, Art Exhibitions and Product Presentation. However, please note that we do not cover Club Nights or Concerts.
Digital Media & Videography
We believe in learning constantly through experimentation in the field of Art, Design and all things Creative. This is our philosophy in the way that we like to work. Videography, Animation, Infographics and Experimental Video-Art, Motion-Art is what we predominantly focus on.
Samana Records
Samana Records caters to creative music producers that dare to think out of the box. Samana Records ensures the listeners and followers get the most up-to-date sound that has no boundaries and no rules. Profit from majority of our releases are donated towards community service / charity. The Label has been actively releasing Music on a Global Platform since Yr.2008-09.
Release Catalogue and Shop
For the latest Releases by the Label, please follow the link to our Bandcamp Online Store here : Samana Records Bandcamp
Current Location: Dubai / UAE (United Arab Emirates)
Email ID: sgd.014@gmail.com
Please Note: You can get in touch with us directly through the Facebook Page or Profile of Swaroop Guhathakurta / SGDesigns / Sanathana / Samana Records